Foreclosure Relief


We are actively looking for the following individuals to offer our services. Below, please find a small example of excess/surplus funds due to them after a tax sale:


NameSale DateAmount Due to Owner
Heirs of Jonny JacobsOctober 6, 2015 $8,165.38
W.R. Owen and Mary OwenMarch 1, 2016$17,045.22
Ted Paris August 1, 2017$90,084.76
Paul David Wells Estate August 1, 2017$70,843.17


Some states make it almost impossible to locate the rightful owners of excess/surplus funds, and Florida is a perfect example. Simply Googling your name and last name will not work.

Sale NumberSale DateAmount Due to Owner
290453May 13, 2015 $21,753.30
290468May 27,2015$18,309.34
290655August 26, 2015$30,596.81